Thursday, April 06, 2006

Pat Donaher 4- Lily Pad, Cambridge, 4/7 10pm

One last word from the department of shameless self-promotion:

Pat Donaher 4
Nicole Rampersaud- trumpet
Evan Halloin-bass
Thor Thorvallson- drums

Today (Fri.) 10pm, Lily Pad,
Imnam Square
People's Republic of Cambridge

I was tempted to do a Ran and show the whole program, but we're likely to change it on the fly. It will almost certainly feature:

"Pacheo" and "Tunji's Trip", my contributions to the show. Both inspired by friendly neighborhood yoga teachers.
"Last Call Blues" by Nicole, a reference to our fair city's Puritanical 2am bar closing.
"Zelzah", byJames Carney. I need to do a whole post to rave about Jim. He's an amazing composer/pianist/friend when one of us remembers to call.
"Regrets" by Evan
other draft picks to be named later.

I promise, no laughing yoga. But you're allowed. So come out, tell your friends, tell your adversaries, and thanks.

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