Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Oh, Hear Us

More on Monday I promise, but...

Jennifer Kimball's new album, "Oh Hear Us" is out (and on Itunes, so I can get at it.) Go check it- I was lucky enough to hear the music in process, and it blew my mind. Enjoy!

EDIT: Now four days and about ten listenings later, I love "Oh Hear Us", love it, love it, love it. I heard a lot of this music in process at various gigs around Boston over the past two years, so it's exciting to hear the finished product- and what a product. For those of you who know her first record, "Veering from the Wave", her strong relationship with Americana is more obvious here, and the breadth of subject matter feels much bigger- she's singing in a voice that's not always so obviously her own ("When I Was Lost"), more storytelling and less confessional. (Though there's that too). And the end of "Ballad ..61" is so perfect, such a wonderful surprise. So go get it already

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